Ad Infinitum

 An Open Source Project hosted at SourceForge

What is it?
Ad Infinitum, or ADI, loosely stands for Aglet Dungeon Interactive Network Fiction. It is a network-based, massively-multiplayer role playing game written in Java and completely cross-platform. ADI is based on mobile agent technology (specifically, Aglets), XML and servlets, and aims to be fully distributed and extensible.


ADI's main goal is to create a gaming system that can be fully customized by its users. It is not based on any particular play system or genre, although the sample world that will ship with the initial release will most likely take place in a fantasy setting. Customization takes place by editing a variety of XML files.

Fully Distributed
As well, ADI hopes to explore the possibilities of cooperative distributed systems. Systems running ADI can be linked together to form a seamless realm through which players traverse. The location of resources is completely transparent and cross-platform, with location being resolved either internally (in the case of Aglets through the use of proxies) or through fully qualified URLs.


December 19, 1999
adi 0.1.0 release: basically a demo showing how configuration is read from a variety of XML files which may be local or remote
January 2, 2000
Website is updated to include information and links

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